who we are
Our Church
in a nutshell
Park Lake Drive Baptist Church is a multi-generational and multi-ethnic church in Waco, Texas. We are just the right size to know and be known. We are a community of sinners who have baggage that want to be transformed by God and stumble through life together.

PLDBC Pastoral Staff

Seeking to Serve and Love like Christ


3701 North 27th Street
Waco, TX 76708-1898



Weekly Schedule


9:30am | Sunday School   11:00am | Worship Service 


6:30pm | Community Dinner 7:00pm | Adult Bible Study     7:00pm | Spanish Bible Study 7:00pm | Youth Group 

Title Address Description
Park Lake Drive Baptist Church
3701 N 27th St, Waco, TX 76708, USA

Contact Us

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